Making our building greener
SustainabilityMaking our building greener

Energy saving
We're converting to LED lighting throughout as much of the building as possible, with an estimated saving of over 30,000 kWh and over £4000 per year compared to the original fittings.
We monitor our energy use carefully, and our Building Energy Management System makes sure that heating and ventilation is only switched on when needed.
MAC has a 'Green Electricity' contract, using energy from a renewable source for 100% of actual consumption, and we replaced our boilers with more energy efficient models.
MAC has achieved a year on year reduction in energy use since 2016.
We're moving away from fossil fuel use, to instead use electricity for hot water and new heating.
We closely monitoring MAC’s energy use using Julie’s Bicycle, stark electricity data and take weekly submeter reads.
We installed a 9.9-kilowatt solar PV system installed on the roof in 2011. There are 55 modules on the roof over our First Floor Gallery, which generates around 9000 kWh per year - 50% of which is used on site and 50% fed back into the grid.
Greener spaces
In 2021, we completed a new accessible Garden Studio and Pocket Garden and sensory garden as part of an ambitious on-site renovation project, employing freelance gardener Matt O’Callaghan. Read more about the project here, and an interview on how to grow your own with Matt here.
We'll be installing a new artist-designed fence around our Outdoor Terrace, adjacent to Cannon Hill Park, which is the start of further refurbishments over the next two years, that will see the outdoor space reimagined with a permanent catering offer, improved furniture, performance stage, art installations, more secure bike facilities and community garden. Read more about the capital investment here.
An EV charging point in the Russell Road Car Park is now fully operational.
Food & drink
If you bring a reusable cup to our Bar and Kiln Express, you'll get 25p off your hot drink.
Nearly all of our disposables are now made from renewable, plant-based materials from Vegware™, meaning cups, lids and straws are completely compostable.
Our sandwich packaging has moved away from plastic to cardboard packaging, which is easier to recycle.
We are proud to serve products sourced from our local community wherever possible, and have changed suppliers of alcohol, coffee and disposables from large organisations to smaller local companies – reducing emissions from transportation.
MAC is proud to offer a variety of Fairtrade® products including coffees, teas and chocolate. We only use free-range eggs.
We have significantly reduced waste from MAC’s catering operation since reopening, and have eliminated single use plastic sauce sachets and similar. We sell canned water rather than water in plastic bottles.
We now have a formal Waste Policy appended to our Environmental Policy.
80% of MAC’s printing paper is now recycled paper.
MAC has separate recycling streams for paper and card; glass; cooking oil and food waste.
Our general waste is sorted at a recycling plant and non-recyclable waste is used as refuse-derived fuel. Zero waste goes to landfill.