Currently Carol teaches Creative Writing to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities including children. Writing, in all its different genres, is Carol's passion -
"I’m told my passion overflows into my teaching – which is good news for my students."

Carol has been writing for about fifteen years and during this time, they have completed two degrees in Creative Writing. On the Masters Degree, Carol was awarded a prize from a leading literary agent for the most promising writing. Carol's aim is to be a published writer of fiction.
"I am, I believe, a work in progress."

Carol loves writing in all its forms: from novels, to children’s stories, to poetry, to plays, to song-writing to name but some of them. In short, Carol loves the way that words can transport you to places you’ve never been, into time periods you will never experience and, maybe most of all, into people’s hearts and lives you will never meet.


I did a course with Carol in Improvers Creative Writing over the winter and really loved it. Carol was such fun to work with, she taught me many new things and helped me to really think about my understanding around writing. She also helped me by reviewing my chapter draft of my novel and reigniting my passion so much I applied for a masters and was accepted!