A woman is holding a child in her arms, next to another blonde woman. They are both listening to another woman talking

About Mothers who Make: Birmingham Hub

Mothers who Make: Birmingham Hub | 11.30am - 1pm
Choose what you pay, booking essential | Children go free, booking essential

A relaxed social gathering with a self-guided exhibition tour. Mothers Who Make is an international grassroots movement, dedicated to supporting the dual role of mothers and maker/artist/creative. Children welcome but must be booked in advance.

Stryx is a Birmingham Hub that strives to connect and support local mothers, birth-givers, and care-givers who are also creators, through various means such as peer support meetings, workshops, events, discussions, artist talks, exhibitions, and more. The hub is located at Stryx, managed by two female artists and mothers Karolina Wakefield-Korupczynska and Anna Katarzyna Domejko, committed to making space for local mother/nonbinary parent creatives.

Organised in connection to Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood.

Photo credit: Marcin Sz

Booking info

To book Accessible tickets and free Companion tickets, please visit our Accessible Bookings page

Dates and times