Thank you
SupportThank you

MAC relies on support from a wide range of sources to make wonderful things happen. Thank you to all of our supporters.
Primary Supporters
Arts Council England
The Players of People's Postcode Lottery (Postcode Culture Trust)
Corporate Supporters
Associated Architects
Eversheds Sutherland LLP
Pinsent Masons LLP
Trusts and Foundations
Art Fund
The Asda Foundation
The Baring Foundation
British Film Institute
The Edward Cadbury Trust
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Film Hub Midlands
The Grimmitt Trust
The Heart of England Community Foundation
The Henry Moore Foundation
The John Feeney Charitable Trust
The Owen Family Trust
M K Rose Charitable Trust
Music for All
The National Lottery Million Hours Fund
The New Work Trust
The Radcliffe Trust
The Roger and Douglas Turner Charitable Trust
The Roughley Trust
The Saintbury Trust
Spirit of 2012
The Theatres Trust in association with the Wolfson Foundation
The William Dudley Trust
Youth Music
Project Supporters
Expanding the Frame is generously supported by Mr Geoff Poole, in loving memory of Mrs Carol Poole.
Waste Age: What can design do? is generously supported by an anonymous donor.
Supporters' Circle
Good Friends, Best Friends and Patrons
Elisabeth Al-Khalifa
Professor Raymond Cochrane
Mr. Owen Dutton
John Glass
Ms. Carla Gunzi
Paul Hanna
Miss Bridget Jackson
Linda Jones
Eden Limchawalit-Smith
Dr. Jenny Marshall
Mary Martin
Carole McKeown
David Pulford
Dr. Abi Rhodes
Mr. James Sandy
Professor Judith Smith
Matthew Somerville
Faith Walsh
Major Donors and Seat Namers
Pat Abraham
The Amis Family
Viv and Hazel Astling
Mandy Atkinson-Willes
M Aukett
Pat and Peter Bailey
Vikram Banerjee and Vishal Banerjee
The Batten Family
In memory of Ram Lal Bhalla and Kamla Bhalla
Anita Bhalla and Ranjit Sondhi
Big Script
Peter and Wendy Binham and Family
In memory of Grace Margaret Bishop
Children and staff at Bordesley Green Primary School
Barry Brogan
Jil and Peter Bromley
Chris Bryant
In memory of Jean Bryant
Sir Adrian and Lady Cadbury
Cerian Brogan
Susan Chapman
Baz Chapman
Susan Chapman
The Chesner Family
The Churchill Family
Rosemary Clarke
The Coane Family
Claire and John Cochrane
Mary Collins
Andy Donovan
Anne Durbin
The Dutton Family
Kirsten Dutton
Graham and Sheila Dyer
Richard Edwards, Deloitte
Mrs J. Elliott
John English
Eva Elizabeth
Malcolm Faber and Family
Joan and Rod Franklin
Patrick and Vivian Fuller
Sarah Gee
The Gee Family
In memory of Binoy and Bani Ghosh
John and Margaret Glen
Glyn, Sarah, Isaac, Miriam and Noah
Mrs A Handa
Arthur William Grey Hawley
Mr and Mrs S. J. Higginbottom
Vicky Houghton
Gay Hughes
In memory of Basil Hugh Henley Hunter
Mrs C Hutchings
Laura Huthwaite
Helen Jackson
Bridget Jackson
Victoria Jenkins
Dr Paresh Jobanputra
In memory of George Jonas
Emrys Jones
Pamela Jones
J.K.Kalsi and family
Matthew Keogh and Jérôme Gicquel
Dermott Killip
Charles and Tessa King-Farlow
Shirley Kirk
Joyce Latham
Joanne Leach
Pat and Peter Leadbeter and family and Anonymous Donations
Jane Lewis
Eden Limchawalit-Smith
Graham and Dorothy Longfils
Graham Longfils
Helen Longfils
Rachel Longfils
Sarah Longfils
Gillian Longhurst
Andrew Lowe
The Lowson Family
Alastair Lowson
Ellie Lowson
Greg Lowson
Jo Lowson
Oliver Lowson
The Luke Players
Richard Lutz
Dr W Van Marle
Mary Martin and Peter Gregory
Harriet and Chris Martin
Barry and Valerie Matthews
Sophia May
Andrea Mellor
The Mertling-Blake Family
Rosie Miles and Nicola Slee
Susan Moodie
Graham Morgan
K D H L Murphy
The Newbury Family
The Owen Family
Andy, Jaki and Pippa (the Parboos)
Bharti Parmar
Frank S. Phoenix
In memory of Irene Pirie
In memory of puppetry
Finn and Conor Rami
Alicia (Mollie) Randle
Dr Sugat Raymahasay, in memory of Tukun
Rachel A Richards
Hugh Roberton
Julie Roberts
E J Robinson
Tony Robinson
John and Philippa Russelland
Shaila Sharif and Natalie Wint
Kesar Singh and Kirtan Kaur
Roy Sladden, remembered with love by family and friends
Paul B Smith
Geoffrey Smith
John R L Smith
Maisie Smith
Shelagh Smith
In memory of Dr Prithviraj Sondhi
In memory of Mr Inderjit Sood
Jane Spence
Anne Thomas
Bryan Thomas
Owain Thomas
Rick and Gill Thompson
In memory of James Thompson
P.M. and L.M. Troy
Peter and Linda Troy
Peter and Anne Waugh
In memory of Malcolm Webb
Alexa, Laura and Josh Williams
Christine Wood
Malcolm Woodhall
Janet and Roger Woods
S J Wright
Paul and Xiaohui and Cynthia and Bernard Zissman