John Lomas faces forwards with a serious look on his face in front of a dark background.

About Birmingham Improv Festival: Workshop led by John Lomas

An Emotional Approach to Improvisation

Don’t Think It, Feel It!

This workshop explores how we can create scenes and rich stories simply through our emotions without having to come up with “the great idea”. It focuses on how drama is a result of emotional change and teaches techniques which allow us to be free to perform instead of getting in our heads.

John Lomas

John is an actor and improviser from Bristol. He is the Artistic Director of Closer Each Day: the Improvised Soap Opera, which has run continuously since 2011 and is now the longest improvised narrative in the world and the longest running UK theatre show of any kind outside of London.

He has toured with Impromptu Shakespeare and Murder She Didn’t Write and is the founder of the 26 Hour Bristol Improv Marathon and The Unscripted Players. Recent TV credits include The Outlaws (BBC) where he got to throw in a bit of improvisation!

Booking info

To book Accessible tickets and free Companion tickets, please visit our Accessible Bookings page. Companion tickets will initially show a standard ticket price, but once your account is set-up and you are logged in, this will be reduced to £0 at checkout.

Dates and times