A close up of Heather Urquart standing in front of a yellow wall.

About Birmingham Improv Festival: Workshop led by Heather Urquhart

Beyond Cowboys and Detectives: Genre improv for the modern improviser

Improv in genre can be as wonderful as it can be deadening. It can help us connect to our partner in a shared world, or feel like a set of expectations we will never quite fulfil - a test we are always slightly failing.

In this workshop you will examine how to break down and understand genres so that it liberates rather than restricts. Starting with a couple of unusual genres which are very close to our hearts, you will examine what is important to you about genre play, and how it can contribute to longform shows without having to take them over. You will then finish by combining and layering genres.

Heather Urquhart of AndAlso Improv

Heather originally trained in physical theatre and went on to study improvisation at Chicago’s I.O and Annoyance theatres. She improvises with the Olivier award-winning ‘Showstopper! The Improvised Musical’, ‘Blues Hammer’ – an improvised blues show with the legendary Joe Bill, and London’s premier all-female improv team ‘Yes Queens‘. Heather also co-wrote a book on the subject of musical improvisation called ‘Sing it!’ with Maydays colleague and BFF Joe Samuel.

Heather was winner of the award for best female performer in the Brighton Fringe & of the Argus Angel Award for artistic excellence. In a previous life she wanted to front an indie band and has been a vocalist with the Mercury music prize nominated Electric Soft Parade and improvised many a concept album with Fred Deakin of Lemon Jelly.

Booking info

To book Accessible tickets and free Companion tickets, please visit our Accessible Bookings page. Companion tickets will initially show a standard ticket price, but once your account is set-up and you are logged in, this will be reduced to £0 at checkout.

Dates and times