Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong) and Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) sit in the back of a limo. Trump is holding a phone and Cohn is looking menacingly at him.

About The Apprentice

Sebastian Stan and Succession’s Jeremy Strong give career-best performances as Trump and Roy Cohn – the notorious attorney who became his mentor just as he was seeking to escape his father’s shadow. Displaying a glint of charm that never fully eclipses Trump’s unwavering ambition, Stan’s portrayal perfectly contrasts with Strong’s, who renders Cohn (previously a key character in Angels in America) as a sinister and fear-mongering practitioner of the dark arts in American public life.

Continuing his singular examination of the coruscating nature of power that he began in Border and Holy Spider, Abbasi here widens his perspective to examine a city in the throes of a power grab. Different film stock is used to reflect the decades and changing fortunes of New York, as it emerged from near-bankruptcy to become a financial behemoth. And at its centre lie two figures who would cut a path that reflected and then reshaped a country’s psyche.

Booking info

To book Accessible tickets and free Companion tickets, please visit our Accessible Bookings page. Companion tickets will initially show a standard ticket price, but once your account is set-up and you are logged in, this will be reduced to £0 at checkout.

Duration includes trailers, adverts and any Q&A/panel. For events such as NT Live, Colour Box and Reel & Meal there will be minimal advertising. We do not admit latecomers after the main feature has started and we have a limited food & drink policy.

MAC’s cinema programme has been generously supported by BFI Film Audience Network and Film Hub Midlands.

Dates and times