Upcoming events

  1. Framed through a blue circular entrance, an adult and two children explore a colour circular chamber and you can see more similar chambers of different colours in the background with another family in the distance.

    Eye Music Trust: Colourscape

  2. Mark Thomas stands by a mic stand wearing a tracksuit top and gesturing with his fists.

    Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes - Warm Up

  3. BSL Tour: Tatiana Wolska: Leisure as Resistance


Cinema highlights

  1. A young Vietnamese woman looks off camera in a blavkl and white image, standing in front of a lake.

    When The Tenth Month Comes

  2. A young white man with dark hair looks at a furry little creature with big ears who is appearing out of his open backpack.

    Flatpack 2024: Gremlins + Q&A

  3. A white man with a beard and glasses (Jim Moir) sits on a table earwing a brightly colour hat a with a propellor on top. He leans forwards with his arms resting on his knees. Behind him are 3 paintings on the wall.

    Flatpack 2024: A Brush With Comedy + Q&A


Creative courses

  1. Introduction to Poetry and Poetic Writing

  2. Introduction to Improv Weekend Intensive

  3. Wheelwork Asymmetric Forms - 1 day