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List of News Articles

  1. Pakistani woman waves Pakistan flag in hijab - four individual photos combined

    MAC touring exhibition Zaibunnisa opens in Bradford

    21 December 2023
    A new exhibition at Impressions Gallery in Bradford, UK tells the story of Maryam Wahid’s remarkable journey to discover her Pakistani identity while visiting her mother’s childhood home for the first time. The exhibition was originally…
  2. Drawings unfinished, of women created in biro pen coloured in with red pen

    Discovering the work of Madge Gill

    15 November 2023
    The remarkable life of the self-taught artist Words by Eibhlín Kissack & Sophie Dutton The Clouds Will Burst the Sun Will Shine Again featured an extensive collection of work by self-taught artist Madge Gill (1882 – 1961). The exhibition…
  3. Families play outside with father and child on stilts

    A collective statement by Culture Central

    28 September 2023
    Birmingham and the West Midlands can be proud of its rich, vibrant and resilient arts and culture sector. We, the organisations and individuals that create and present this offer, are continuing to welcome audiences, work with communities,…
  4. Young girl smiles at camera next to other children and adults laying on bean bags in a cinema, watching a film

    MAC announces three-year project to make cinema more accessible

    14 September 2023
    Expanding the Frame will open doors and break down barriers for disabled audiences Midlands Arts Centre have announced a three-year project supported by Film Hub Midlands entitled Expanding the Frame. The initiative seeks to significantly…
  5. Person faces away from the camera with short black curly hair, looking at artworks. Artworks are painted plates on wooden frame on a dark blue wall

    MAC awarded Reimagine Grant from Art Fund

    6 September 2023
    Funding will support the arts charity to diversify their workforce by creating and improving opportunities for disabled people Midlands Arts Centre (MAC) have been awarded a £35,500 Reimagine Grant by Art Fund to diversify the arts…
  6. Young girl peeks face above chair in MAC's café

    Introducing MAC Neighbours

    15 May 2023
    We are delighted to introduce MAC Neighbours, a new community research project aiming to deepen MAC’s relationship with communities in our hyperlocal area, especially those who are currently underrepresented in our audiences. In…
  7. Group of people riding through park with trees and grass. Sunlight shining through trees.

    MAC becomes Active Member of Gallery Climate Coalition

    10 May 2023
    The Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) announces the first wave of its members who have achieved 'Active' status. GCC launched plans for the Active Member designation in October 2022, to coincide with its two-year anniversary. The initiative…
  8. Stephen Graham, Hannah Walters and Philip Barantini sit in a cinema on a panel discussion

    Eden's Story: 'Film is anything you want it to be'

    5 May 2023
    Meet Eden Limchawalit-Smith; a passionate filmmaker, enthusiastic MAC Supporter, and recent seat adopter. Eden is a true MAC success story, who nurtured his unique creative voice during film courses with us. Eden's generous contribution…
  9. Group of Black and Black Mixed Heritage artists stand on the steps of the Southbank Centre with iconic yellow staircase

    REFRAME: The Residency

    3 May 2023
    The Southbank Centre is proud to announce the first artists on its pioneering new talent development programme, REFRAME: The Residency, supported by Apple with partners Factory International in Manchester, Birmingham City University's…
  10. Woman solders metal in jewellery studio

    MAC launches custom jewellery hallmark in partnership with the Assay Office

    30 March 2023
    What is Hallmarking? Hallmarking is the practise of marking precious metals with symbols and numbers, in order to prove the value or type of metal used to create jewellery. This legality was first enforced in 1973, and primarily helps to…
  11. Woman in spotty top looks at artwork in a gallery

    More Than A Moment: MAC Action Plan 2022/23

    12 July 2022
    Document published July 2022. Any future amendments will be documented and republished as and when appropriate. Equality and Diversity Statement This has been a tumultuous time for many of our communities. As well as the unprecedented…