List of Events

  1. A woman with dark hair rests her chin on her fist.

    Rosie Holt: That's Politainment!

  2. A man wearing glasses and with a beard (Ashley Blaker) looks forward with his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face in front of a yellow background.

    Ashley Blaker: Normal Schmormal

  3. A red dot surrounded by black dots, drawn on paper with a black and red pens in the back pens in the background,

    Daniel Kitson: Collaborator - a work in progress

  4. Mark Thomas stands by a mic stand wearing a tracksuit top and gesturing with his fists.

    Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes - Warm Up

  5. Two women - one with blond hair, another with dark hair and glasses - smile and wear shiny gold outfits with an arm round each other.

    The Scummy Mummies Podcast: Live with special guest Jess Phillips MP

  6. Milton Jones appears inside a black star on a gold background holding a mic straight up with an outstretched arm. The words "Ha! Milton Jones" appear in front.

    Milton Jones: Ha!Milton Work In Progress

  7. Dom Joly's head in a cartoon style in front of various conspiracy symbols (including a UFO, covid molecules and the Illuminati eye on a pyramid).

    Dom Joly: The Conspiracy Tour

  8. Daliso Chaponda wearing a tuxedo and pointing expectantly at an empty plate.

    Daliso Chaponda: Feed This Black Man Again

  9. A man wearing an orange tracksuit smiling with his arms crossed.

    Jeff Innocent: Smart casual

  10. A woman (Kiri Pritchard-McLean) stands outside in a sequined blue dress and with peacock feather around her.

    Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Peacock

  11. A woman wearing a gold and black dress (Lucy Porter) stands in front of an orange lit background with her right hand outstretched and her left hand to her chest.

    Lucy Porter: No Regrets!

  12. A man in a black t shirt sits on a stool against a teal background, one arm rests on his knee and he looks ahead.

    Russell Hicks: Happy To Be Here
