List of Events

  1. A person sits on a bed eating a macaroon, while a younger child irons in the background

    Curator's Tour

  2. A black and white drawing/etching of a woman lying back on the bed holding he separated legs apart

    BSL Tour

  3. White fabric with red embroidery details, with a red textile strip with the words 'stolen' and 'given away' on top in silver thread

    Symposium: Picturing The Unseen - Grief & labour in and out of motherhood

  4. A painting of a nude person hunched over on the floor, with people in the background

    Acts of Creation: Panel Discussion

  5. A person is holding a straw up to a child's mouth, who is blowing towards some brown paper

    Mothers who Make: Birmingham and Coventry Hub

  6. People are walking in the street with their arms outstretched, wearing rigid red dresses with their faces covered

    Artist Talk: Tereza Buskova
